Brrr. It’s taken a while to get here, but with frost on the ground and the promise of snow looming, there can be no denying that winter has well and truly arrived. The temperature has dipped into single figures, the central heating has been turned on, and hot chocolate is back on the menu.
Yes, winter is here, and with it - as you know - comes a host of skin obstacles to overcome. But fear not, for in this blog post we’re taking a look at the benefits of tretinoin and how it can help your skin enjoy a boost even when it’s freezing cold and snowing outside. Wrap up warm, and settle down to discover our tricks to gorgeous, glowing skin all year round.

Why is Winter a Skin Nightmare?
Winter might be a time for cosy fires, romantic wintery walks, and the perfect excuse for pyjama days and movie marathons, but it can still be tough on your skin. That’s because, in winter, the air around us is so much colder - and colder air is drier too. Because there’s less humidity in cold air, our skin can really feel the pinch. Add bracing winds to the mix as well as our homes and offices being heated with central heating (which also means less moisture in our air), and you’ve got the perfect storm for sad skin.
In winter, skin is notorious for going through the mill and most people can expect to experience some or all of the following during these months:
- Dryness
- Irritation
- Redness
- Dull skin
- Acne breakouts
- Increased sensitivity
Fortunately, skin superhero ingredients like tretinoin are here to help save the day.
All You Need to Know: Tretinoin
Tretinoin is a topical retinoid. It’s a powerful, prescription-strength skincare ingredient which helps to -
- Unclog pores
- Increase the production of fresh and healthy skin cells
- Tackle acne
- Restore skin tone and texture
- Improve signs of ageing such as fine lines and deeper wrinkles
According to the ‘Skin ageing and topical rejuvenation strategies’ reference paper in the British Journal of Dermatology, tretinoin is known to be the gold-standard of topical skin rejuvenation treatments. It improves fine lines and coarse wrinkles, and aids correction of dyspigmentation. With a growing demand for skin rejuvenation treatments, and a global spend expected to reach $44.5 billion by 2030, tretinoin is here to stay.
When used correctly, there’s no denying that tretinoin will help your skin survive winter and keep it looking its best.
How to Use Tretinoin
Because tretinoin is a heavyweight in the world of skincare, it can bring possible irritation - especially when you first start using it. This is entirely to be expected and nothing to worry about as your skin just needs a little time to adapt to this new ingredient.
It’s a well known fact that topical retinoids take some perseverance and you will probably have to go through a little hardship first before you start seeing the results you crave. You can expect to experience mild stinging, irritation, dry flaky skin, and redness. These side effects are par for the course, but they can be more pronounced when you start using topical retinoids in winter.
To help ensure a smooth integration into your skincare regime you’ll need to spend a little extra time and attention on protecting your skin barrier.
Our Tips to Get the Best Results with Tretinoin
If you’re ready to start adding tretinoin into your winter skin routine, following these tips will help ensure an easier ride…
- Moisturise: this is the most important step if you’re going to give your skin its best chance of success and minimal dryness. Your best options will have ceramides and peptides in their ingredients list, along with moisture-locking hyaluronic acid, and fatty acids to help bolster your skin’s surface
- Keep Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and avoid taking long hot showers or baths as they can dry out your skin. If possible, stick to shorter, cooler options and slather on the moisturiser as soon as you get out - this helps to lock in moisture
- Embrace SPF: We say it all the time but we can’t emphasise enough how vital a decent sunscreen is even in the depths of winter. It needs to be broad-spectrum and ideally SPF50, but SPF30 at the very least
- Tweak your Diet: If you really want to help your skin from within, look to your diet to boost moisture. Add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, tuna, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybean oil and your skin should love you for it
- Don’t Over-Exfoliate: If you’re using tretinoin, you’re already exfoliating your skin so don’t keep using other exfoliating products - avoid both chemical options and physical exfoliation while you use retinoids otherwise your skin could become seriously stressed out
- Go Easy: If your skin is struggling to adapt to tretinoin, try taking things down a notch. You could try applying it every other evening as your skin adapts
- Use tretinoin in conjunction with antioxidants such as niacinamide, vitamin C and vitamin E to help further improve skin barrier function, increase collagen production, and reduce pigmentation
The MiQuest Know-How
When you choose MiQuest for your prescription skincare formulations you’ll be in the care of a highly capable and experienced team. Our pharmacists, formulation scientists, and skin specialists have a vast amount of experience between them. This, coupled with our groundbreaking use of AI technology to scan your skin, means we’re able to accurately prescribe the ingredients your skin needs. What’s more, because AI makes so many processes more efficient, it enables us to offer regular check-ins with our experts so we can keep tabs on how your skin is doing. Doing this means we can keep track of your skin’s journey and adapt your prescription if your skin’s needs change.
Do I need Tretinoin?
If you’re wondering if tretinoin is the missing skincare ingredient your regime is craving, find out with a MiQuest subscription. Our AI skin analysis tool will highlight the areas of concern that can be worked on, while our formulation scientists will create a Q-Stick packed full of active ingredients right for your skin.
Don’t let winter wreak havoc on your skin this year - subscribe to MiQuest and face the cold weather head on. With expert knowledge, prescription-grade ingredients, and a quick and easy routine, your skin will soon be looking so much better with MiQuest.