The MiQuest Routine

Skincare Made Simple

Say goodbye to complicated regimes that don’t work and say hello to MiQuest – your skins new best friend!

AM Routine

In the morning, very few people have time to work through an extensive skincare regime. That’s why we’ve kept things straightforward and simple with our MiQuest skin management plan. It’s just three steps - but each one is reliant on the other so don’t be tempted to skip a step.

  1. First, give your skin a thorough cleanse with your MiQuest cleanser.
  2. Next, take time to moisturise - even oily or combination skin needs to be moisturised.
  3. Now your skin is prepped and ready for the day, it’s time to apply your MiQuest SPF.

So many people fail to apply sufficient SPF and it’s hugely important if you want to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. SPF should be applied all year round - whatever your skin type.

PM Routine

Your evening MiQuest routine is much the same as your morning version.

  1. First, give your skin a thorough cleanse with your MiQuest Cleanser.
  2. Next, apply your Q-Stick and wait 10 minutes before you use the moisturiser.
  3. Lastly, take time to moisturise – even oily or combination skin needs to be moisturised.

The Q-Stick is the product that contains all the personalised active ingredients that have been formulated to treat your specific skincare concern. So whether it’s tretinoin for acne, or hydroquinone for pigmentation, your Q-Stick is where it’s at.

If you’re short on time, you’ll still see results from your treatment if you cleanse and moisturise before applying your Q-Stick. Cleansing and moisturising enables your skin to be in the best condition to soak up all of the vital active ingredients in your Q-Stick. It doesn’t take long and when you see your skin health improving, you’ll be grateful you gave it that extra TLC.


Smart Drug Delivery Technology

At MiQuest our formulation scientists ensure that the active ingredients in our formulations are delivered in a smarter, more tailored way.

This means that your personalised treatment is designed to deliver and release the active drug(s) deep into your skin (where it needs to do all the hard work) to achieve the results you desire, quicker.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Routine: More Help


  1. Wet the skin with warm water and then using circular motions gently massage the cleanser into the skin with fingertips before rinsing. Dry the skin with a patting motion.
  2. Gently rub the moisturiser into the skin using circular motions.
  3. Rub the SPF generously into the skin using gentle circular motions. Take extra care when applying around the eyes. Wash your hands before and after use.


  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 as mentioned in the AM routine. If using as part of the AI-empowered dermatology routine, then use approximately 10 minutes after using your medicated Q-Stick.
  2. Apply three doses of the medicated Q-Stick to the face at night. Not to be applied to any sensitive areas such as the eyes, lips and nostrils. Apply to clean and dry skin. Wash your hands before and after use.
Why do I need a skincare routine?

We believe that having a skincare routine is essential for healthy, radiant skin. Without a skincare routine, our prescription treatments will not work as well as they do when you effectively cleanse, moisturise and protect your skin.

This is why we recommend a cleanser, moisturiser and SPF for your personalised skincare subscription.

If you already have a skincare routine and have some questions or concerns, please contact our team.

Why should I apply my treatment at night only?

We believe that your skin is more receptive to our formulation when you are sleeping. This means that the treatment applied at night has a better chance of being absorbed into the skin providing its full benefits.

Additionally, as your body's metabolic rate is higher during the day than it is at night, the treatment will also help counterbalance any increased moisture loss that occurs while you sleep.

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AI-Empowered Dermatology, Personalised For You.

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